
A Folder Called Links

Most Illustrator users are familiar with the “Could not find the linked file…” dialog box:

This usually happens when a document has been moved, and paths to the placed images have changed.

An Easy Solution

There is an easy way to make sure that Illustrator can always find placed images: put them in a folder called “links” in the same parent folder as the Illustrator file:

Whenever Illustrator can’t find an image, it looks for a folder called links in the same place as the open document.

This behavior is useful in working with Svija, but it is also useful for any other project done in Adobe Illustrator.

Where Should It Be?

Any pixel images that you use in your web page must be stored in the appropriate links folder.

Images that are stored in the same folder as the Illustrator file will not work, nor will embedded images.

The benefit to keeping your images in links is that you can move your site around or share files with team members without worrying about missing images.

When Images Go Missing

Occasionally, Illustrator will link to images that are in the wrong place. This usually happens when content has been copied.

To fix this and other problems, Svija Tools includes a button labeled Reset Image Links:

This tool will automatically repair linked images. If it is not possible to repair an image, it will be highlighed in yellow on the page.