
FAQ · Frequent Issues

These are some of the most frequent issues encountered by people discovering Svija.

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Why don’t I see my changes when I reload the page?

You need to be signed in to Svija Cloud. Click on the big Svija Cloud logo in Svija Sync, or go to [yourwebsitename]/c (more information).

Why are there extra images with my SVG files after I save?

If you find images with long names like D903D38D767804AF.jpg in the SVIJA/SVG Files folder after you save, it is because you are using a technique in Illustrator that is not supported by Svija. See Unsupported Techniques for a list of causes and workarounds. Two of the most frequent causes are the layer blending modes and drop shadows.

Why are the fonts wrong on my web page?

If the fonts are wrong on your page, you need to go to the Fonts page in Svija Cloud and provide a source for each missing font — either mark it as a Google font or provide the WOFF font filename. Using fonts.

Why is there a square in the top left corner of the page?

What you are seeing is the gray default background and a square containing accessibility and SEO content. To fix this, add a filled background rectangle in Illustrator.

How do I change the image that appears when I paste my website in a message?

Replace [project folder]/SVIJA/Images/capture.jpg. You can type cmd-shift-4 to capture part of your home page, to your Desktop, then edit it to create capture.jpg.

How do I change the title of my website?

The first part of each title is found in Page settings in Svija Cloud. The rest is configured in Language settings.

Why are the images missing in my web page?

It is most likely because they are not in the Links folder (in the same folder as the Illustrator file), or they are embedded and not linked. Click Relink Images in Svija Tools to repair the images. See Using Images for more information.

Why are there big blue “missing image” icons in my web page?

It is either because you are using a technique not supported by Svija, causing bitmapped versions of your effects to be created when you save (see Unsupported Techniques), or because your images are not in the Links folder (in the same folder as the Illustrator file). See Using Images for more information.

Why is the background of my page gray?

What you are seeing is the gray default background and a square containing accessibility and SEO content. To fix this, add a filled background rectangle in Illustrator.

Why are the colors all wrong in my illustrations?

The most frequent cause is layer blend modes, like lighten and multiply. They are not part of the SVG specification, and you will need to find an alternative technique to produce the same effect. See Unsupported Techniques for more information.

Why doesn’t my Illustrator file have a preview image?

In order to make Illustrator faster, .ai files are saved without compression and without the PDF Preview option. Saving a complex file with a PDF preview can take more than a minute, whereas saving the same file without a PDF preview takes only a few seconds.

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