To use a custom domain name, you must first buy it from a domain name registrar. The most used registrars are:
To use Svija with a custom domain, there are three steps:
- ask Svija for the IP address of your website
- add that address via the control panel for your domain name
- contact Svija to confirm that step 2 has been completed
To request the IP address, send an email to (an IP address looks like
Once the steps below have been completed, send a second email to to let us know.
Adding an IP address to your domain name
Connect to the control panel for your domain name. We’ll be using OVH as an example.
- navigate to the list of your domains

Make sure you see the domain name you want to use.
- click on the line labeled DNS zones in the image below

We’ll be modifying the A records (the 5th and 6th lines in the above image):

When you click Modify record, you’ll see the following form:

Update the field labeled “Target *” with the IP address supplied by Svija.
Click Next, then Confirm, and you’re done.
Send an email to to let us know the domain is ready to be set up!
After The Change
Update the web site in Svija Sync or WinSCP:
- in Settings, click on the website then click Modify
- update the URL
- update the local folder (you must do this even if it hasn’t changed)
- click Done
Update the web site settings in Svija Cloud under URL & Settings:
- update the address of the website (without http or slashes)
- update Robots.txt if you want the site to be indexed by Google