Wish list & planned modifications
- AI script to save SVG files changes all text kerning to zero
- automatic backups with each sync
- automatically resize images to correct resolution
2024.10.29 · 2.3.2
Important bug fixes:
- fixed a bug where using Cloud Component would cause a loop when loading the mobile version
- fixed a bug where visiting one Svija site would cause a loop when loading a different Svija site
2024.10.23 · 2.3.1
Important bug fix & minor update:
- fixed major bug introduced in 2.3.0 where SVG files created by previous versions of Svija Tools were resulting in black pages
- code to improve redirection if the wrong version of a page was served
2024.10.21 · 2.3.0
Many minor updates:
- fix for first line of SVG is not <?xml
- removed SEO obfuscation
- fix for css styles that are not cls- (named styles)
- aria tag insertion into SVG files
- revised screen-management JS to avoid using cookies
- added code to determine correct screen for first page served
- links, capture & accessibility content are separated
- removed warning when cookies are disabled; browsers with disabled cookies will see mobile version
2024.07.04 · 2.2.29
Major changes and bug fixes:
- compatible with new Svija Tools
- modules are now called “components”
- sync folder is now SYNC
- issue fixed where WOFF fonts would have italic style applied twice
2024.06.18 · 2.2.28
Improvements and bug fixes:
- fixed a bug which caused pages to be incorrectly sized
- fixed a CSS typo that caused a cookie warning to be shown
- rearranged columns in font list in Svija Cloud
- moved Sections below Screens in main settings list in Svija Cloud
- fixed a problem where single-layer SVG’s would not display correctly
- fixed a bug where P3 color was not displayed
- fix bug where scripts in modules were included even if disabled
- provisionally fixed font handling for WOFF fonts with AI28
2024.04.03 · 2.2.27
Emergency update to accept SVG’s created with Illustrator 28.4.1:
- accept the new SVG format exported by Adobe Illustrator
- now accepts artboard names as well as AI file names
Known issue:
- does not correctly handle WOFF fonts for new-format SVG files
- bold and italic styles are double-specified, resulting in exaggerated styles
2024.01.02 · 2.2.26
Bug fixes and technical improvements:
- added googlebot specific code to fix errors in Search Console
- fixed CSS for unsupported visitors (IE, no cookies, no script)
- a cookie with invalid screen code no longer breaks site
- the smallest screen resolution version is now show on first load
- replaced ‘missing’ images
- allow uppercase characters for screen code
2023.07.28 · 2.2.25
Major improvements:
- versions of pages for alternate screens are now created automatically when page is loaded (but not Illustrator file field)
- missing SVG’s now give an alert rather than a message in the source code
- minified CSS & JS, making page significantly smaller
Minor improvements:
- 50x errors now have a friendly message
- screen codes can now be up to 20 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _)
- module and page Illustrator filenames now add ‘.ai’ automatically if it’s missing
- page URL’s are now trimmed to remove illegal characters
- section › artboard code is now obligatory
- version number in header bar now links to changelog
- user name in header bar now links to user settings
- script sets character limit increased from 50k to 200k characters
- each section now has link to dedicated page at this website
- change scripts field font to IBM Plex Mono for legibility
- various minor text corrections for every section
- added “always-include” to module list filter
- added “notes” field to settings to store email password & instructions
Organizational improvements:
- screens are now listed by artboard code
- sections are now listed by section code
- renamed Svija/Svija Admin to Svija/Svija Cloud
- renamed sync/Svija to sync/SVIJA
- renamed “screen code” to “artboard code”
- renamed “max pixels” to “break point” in screens settings
- Google font is no longer checked by default
- default tag is now empty instead of “Main”
Cosmetic changes:
- title bars are now bright in dark mode
- Illustrator File title bar now matches Illustrator icon colors
- fixed “are you sure” › “cancel” button colors (was black on black)
Font-related changes:
- font SVG name, Adobe URL and Adobe stylesheet are red on mouseover
- Adobe font familes, weights and styles are now correctly added
- new separate field “weight” for fonts
- Adobe CSS ID now visible in fonts list
Bug fixes:
- bug where scripts were sometimes included twice
- bug was fixed where modules included via page settings appeared behind other modules
- bug where Illustrator filenames staring with a number resulted in an illegal SVG ID
- bug where modules with incorrect screen or section where shown in page when included via page settings
- bug where a disabled module would appear if included via page settings
- bug where script sets were executed before module scripts, disabling the Svija Vibe “func” flag
2023.04.20 · 2.2.24
A major improvement and some bug fixes:
- ★ added an option to the Svija Cloud module to permit working on the mobile version of a page on a computer screen
- each section now has a “documentation” link to tech.svija.com
- cleaned up page & module list order & filter options
- removed default tag ‘main’
- added a permanent field to Adobe font settings to keep the pasted Adobe link
- fixed a bug where a module with no Illustrator file would cause an error
- fixed a bug where an Illustrator file name starting with a number resulted in an error
- changed the scripts font to IBM Plex Mono
2023.03.06 · 2.2.23
Two important bug fixes:
- raised character limit of Adobe CSS from 5K to 99K characters
- fixed a bad bug in the P3 color generation code
- improved font chooser reliability for Adobe font CSS
2022.12.16 · 2.2.22
Several major improvements:
- ★ new Cloud module allows easy access to Svija Cloud
- ★ Adobe fonts can now be used
- ★ text now scales smoothly in Safari
- window management works much better
- added “alt” tag to accessibility links with page title
- “active” has been changed to “enable” throughout
- warning message when cookies or javascript are disabled
- warning message when visited in Internet Explorer
- fixed bug that resulted in horizontal scrollbars on Windows
2022.09.26 · 2.2.21
Updated GSAP script to version 3.11.1 (required by Svija Vibe).
Minor usability changes:
- changed some all-caps labels to mixed-case
- doubled length of urls to help articles from 60 to 120 chars
- made server port optional
- fixed broken link to “screen sizes”
- fixed erroneous message that section code is just two letters
- added the word “address” to section default page
2022.08.29 · 2.2.20
Major changes:
- Svija Vibe animation tools have been introduced
- language has been renamed to section
- Page Settings › Default Modules is now the opposite (checked = include defaults)
- Page Settings › Default Scripts is now the opposite (checked = include defaults)
- Page Settings › Default Dimensions is now the opposite (checked = use defaults)
U/I improvements & bug fixes:
- accessibility text can now be kept in /Svija/Accessibility/subfolders
- many bug fixes related to redirection & 404 errors
- many U/I improvements in Cloud layout
2022.06.16 · 2.2.19
Two minor improvements:
- it is now possible to use almost any character in file names (but “ and / can’t be saved by Svija Tools)
- the dashed border with drag-and-drop instructions for Illustrator files was changed to an orange border
2022.05.18 · 2.2.18
Bug fixes for previous release:
- fixed endless reloading issue
- changed category to tag everywhere
- renamed scripts to script sets
2022.05.17 · 2.2.17
Major update to simplify language handling & conversion from Illustrator to HTML/CSS:
- ★ language code is now hidden when not necessary
- ★ REM now equals 1 pixel not 10 pixels
- added “always include” to script sets settings
- added “disable default scripts” to page settings (like modules)
- nicer arrows for expanding collapsed settings
- accessiblity now accepts filename.txt or filename.html
- trailing slashes eliminated (/fr/ becomes /fr)
2022.03.25 · 2.2.16
Simplified module and page settings, as well as:
- added dashed borders to drag & drop fields
- added drag and drop hint to page settings
- changed CSS box-sizing to include padding & borders
- centered log-in logo
2022.03.18 · 2.2.15
One major bug fix and a couple of minor improvements:
- fixed a bug where windows occasionally entered a reload loop, by deleting parent-domain cookies
- changed SOURCE-NEEDED for fonts to “———”
- activated cookie choice popup (it was previously non-functional)
2022.03.11 · 2.2.14
Two small bug fixes:
- fixed a bug that resulted in some pages causing an error
- fixed a bug that caused wider than usual pages to be scrolled to the left when opened
2022.03.09 · 2.2.13
Many usability improvements:
- changed logo link to Svija settings from global settings
- fixed background color issue in Chrome
- can now drag WOFF files into font settings
- renamed Svija/Site Scripts to Svija/Scripts
- changed cache link in header to instantaneous alert
- added second accent color
- simplified color scheme names for user modification
- made Cloud logo a normal transparent PNG image
- added sort field “category” to fonts, modules & pages
2021.12.02 · 2.2.12
Minor interface update:
- removed sections for managing deprecated script sets
2021.12.01 · 2.2.11
Major bux fixes:
- fixed bug where modules were added twice
- fixed P3 color for gradients
2021.11.30 · 2.2.10
Minor updates and bug fixes:
- simplified page reload from mobile>computer and computer>mobile for IE compatibility
- added new script sets (more like modules) to replace old script sets which were less flexible
- cleaned some labeling issues in Cloud
- fixed bug in support for P3 color
- fixed bug where caching broke CSRF cookies
- added samesite to cookie script (after warnings in Firefox)
2021.11.05 · 2.2.9
Minor updates and bug fixes:
- modules with wrong screen are no longer displayed
- modules with wrong language are no longer displayed
- modules where “active” is unchecked in page settings are no longer displayed
- removed necessity of providing link in modules & scripts settings
- added display order to language list
2021.10.28 · 2.2.8
Minor modifications and bug fixes:
- added site url in Cloud top bar (instead of “visit site”)
- changed rich text instructions for scripts & modules to link + plain text
- enabled language codes longer than 2 letters
2021.10.23 · 2.2.7
Minor modifications and bug fixes:
- removed meta canonical tags
- changed language code limit from 2 to 20 characters
- fixed bug in cookie-writing code
- made it possible to delete languages (had been blocked by combination code)
- renamed folder Icons to Images
- renamed folder Admin Customization to Svija Admin
- fixed bug in MailView that prevented reading POST data
- added z-index back into modules, was accidentally deleted
2021.10.21 · 2.2.6
Major improvements and bug fixes:
- the /mail program has been simplified and is no longer language dependent
- the order of SVG files in pages has been corrected
- dark mode in Svija Cloud now displays correctly
- quotes are now allowed in Languages › email settings
- the sitemap has been corrected for the new prefix system
- 404 handling has been corrected so that there should no longer be any Error 500’s
- removed several unused fields (help, notes, templates etc.)
- cleaned up the path to the Illustrator file in Modules and Pages
- changed artboard names from 300 & 1200 to mb & cp
- fixed bug where deactivated scripts were still activated
- created new category of settings: scripts, for things like contact form scripts
- added a script to match the page background color to the SVG background color
2021.10.04 · 2.2.5
Major overhaul:
- added info link to fonts settings
- fixed module z order
- removed the need for separate combination codes for mobile and desktop
- screens and languages are now specified directly in pages and modules
- the Illustrator file is listed in Page and Module settings instead of the SVG file
- to simplify the workflow, all SVG files are in a dedicated folder
- all Svija-related folders are now in /sync/Svija
- Illustrator artboards must be named with the pixel width of the appropriate screen (300 or 1200)
2021.07.29 · 2.2.4
Cloud improvements and bug fixes:
- added API so that Svija Sync will be able to clear the cache
- Renamed names of modules used in combination codes & pages
- Renamed module notes to instructions and made it optional
- Made model list colors coherent
- Replaced “screen” with “screen size” everywhere
2021.07.03 · 2.2.1-3
Cloud improvements and bug fixes:
- modified many field names for clarity
- added “notes” field to modules
- added help text to each settings page
- changed default background color to gray
- changed logout message
- changed default font to Open Sans
2021.05.7 · 2.2.0
Cloud improvements and bug fixes:
- modified user tools in cloud header to allow access to cache-clearing & documentation
- fixed bug where body JS appeared before content in source code
- fixed bug that required modules to have CSS ID
2021.01.12 · 2.1.9
This is essentially the same as the previous version except:
- Bug fixed where SVG’s were displayed inline instead of block, leading to spaces before footers
- Bug fixed where module positions did not accept fractional values
- Inverted lower/right module coordinates to reflect the system used in Illustrator
2021.01.11 · 2.1.8
There were two big changes:
- It is now possible to dictate the module ID directly in its Cloud page;
it is no longer necessary to put the module ID in an Adobe Illustrator layer - Modules can now be positioned directly in the module Cloud page;
it is no longer necessary to use CSS to position modules. - Visiting /en/send while logged in as an admin will send a test email
Since email parameters are found in both Site Settings and Language, each language should be tested separately
And one bug fix:
- A bug was fixed where contact forms would return a 403 Forbidden error
2020.11.27 · 2.1.7
This is a minor bug fix release.
- fixed issue where some images were missing in Internet Explorer
- fixed a broken 404-error response caused by a previous fix
- fixed a bug where the 2nd tspan would incorrectly keep its x and y coordinates
2020.07.29 · 2.1.6
This is a bug fix and detail-oriented release.
- Various issues related to zooming a page have been fixed
- Fixed handling of tabs in Illustrator files
- When there are two pages with the same slug, the first one will be used instead of causing an error
- The same is true of modules, settings, prefixes etc.
- The links between mobile & desktop versions (meta tag) have the appropriate http or https
- Accessibility text, which had accidentally been excluded from the page, is now included
- An “active” field has been added to optional scripts
- The accessibility field was wrongly a required field, but this has been corrected
- New fonts are automatically included
- Fonts are now listed by whether or not they are included
2020.07.03 · 2.1.5
- added forms & HTML to modules
- added support for P3 color
- added ability to change /a redirection
- added /c to clear cache
- added a cookie warning module
- refresh cookies to avoid repeated warnings
- added HTML to accessitiblity content
- added a page to explain what’s happened if site settings are deleted
- fixed but on Safari/Mac where reloading a page after pinch-to-zoom caused content to separate
- updated to newest GSAP animation script
2020.04.24 · 2.1.4
This version requires migrations and modifications to settings.py
- ★ fixed a bug where different weights of text on the same line would appear badly spaced in Safari
- cancel button added to all Cloud pages
- added site setting for tracking defaults to on or off
- integrated cookie warning into template
- recategorized main settings page for clarity
- fixed a bug where SVG’s could not have spaces or other special characters in the name
- reduced size of Svija Cloud logo for mobile compatibility
- added the abillity to order commonly-used fields for easier access (language, prefix etc.)
- made page resize on zoom much faster
- made various changes in how information is presented (changed column order etc.)
- removed the necessity to add all contact form info when creating a new language
- completed change from accessibility to snippet for search engine text
- changed display of snippet so it wouldn’t appear as a gray flash
2020.03.19 · 2.1.3
This version requires migrations.
- included French help content by default
- added ability to change Cloud highlight color
- fixed bug where deleting a module used in a page was impossible
- added ability to use local fonts
- added ability to clear the cache from page and module Cloud pages
- fixed a bug where the “id homepage” layer in Illustrator needed to be visible for the page to render correctly
- various other minor bug fixes
2020.02.14 · 2.1.2
This version requires migrations.
- fixed bug where modules were drawn before supplementary HTML
- added a checkbox “clear cache on next visit” to modules & pages (not yet active)
- updated Google analytics code
- use font meta tag only when there are Google fonts
- fixed bug where deleting a module required first deleting its scripts
2019.12.19 · 2.1.1
- fix for bug where deleting a page required deleting each module in the page
2019.12.14 · 2.1.0
- added help content
- /admin lands on help content by default
- add French help tips
- changed the “save” button color to distinguish it from “delete”
- fixed a couple of typos in the Cloud pages
- changed the “Links” folder to “links”
- added a field in Language for a flag emoji
- added language localization to the Mac sync script
- fixed a bug where deleting a module would delete all pages using it (!)
- added “author” field to notes
2019.12.09 · 2.0.19
- fix for bug where deleting a page required deleting each SVG in the page
2019.11.08 · 2.0.18
- finished process of moving menus to modules
2019.11.05 · 2.0.17
- menus, header & footer attributed in prefix settings (will replace menus)
- various DB mods that will be used for 2.0.19
2019.11.04 · 2.0.16
- fixed bug where cache was impossible to empty
- permit uploaded scripts in sync folder
- allow spaces in svg filenames
- oversized SVG’s are reduced to the specified page width
2019.10.22 · 2.0.13/14/15
- fixed a bug that kept asking people if they accepted cookies
2019-10.18 · 2.0.12
- improved initial page display (page is scrolled to correct position before content is shown)
2019-10.16 · 2.0.11
- bug fix: incorrect scrolling on Android phones (Chrome mobile)
2019-09.15 · 2.0.10
- fixed that a 404 error on mobile results in 500 error
- enabled multiple site settings with an “active” setting
- made site settings caching values visible on parent settings page
- moved “scripts” out of the site and into the application
- added a library of useful scripts that can be included with each page
- fixed a problem where fonts were not added to db
- added rich text notes pages to /admin
- fixed that a missing svg file causes a 500 error instead of 404
2019-07.07 · 2.0.9
- made site settings caching values visible on parent settings page
- fixed a problem where svg fonts were not added to the fonts table
2019-07-04 · 2.0.8
- emergency fix for broken email forms
2019-06-25 · 2.0.7
- added two flags in site settings: cache for admins & clear cache with next visitor
- “clear=cache&flag=sld” has been removed as a way to clear the cache
- pages can have inactive svg’s, which is useful for special events etc.
- the responsive › source directory has been shortened to exclude the invariable part of the path
- pages are no longer required to have a menu
- urls.py and setup.py file have been greatly simplified
2019-06-20 · 2.0.6
- pages are no longer required to have a menu
- remove 404 page from SEO & sitemap
- moved Svija to Github
2019-06-12 · 2.0.5
- 301 URL redirects to pages or sites
- moved font CSS from uploaded files to Cloud page
- partially automatic font CSS generation
- easy use of Google fonts
- Svija is now a Django app that can be installed
2019-04-07 · 2.0.4
- custom margins & page dimensions per page
- automatically display pages /en/ and /en/home as / (and /fr/accueil as /fr/
- add “clear=cache&flag=sld” to any url to bypass caching
- added error404 page so 404 pages will be built in SVG as well
- field for Google Maps API key in site settings
- added filters to Cloud list views to (greatly) simplify administrative tasks
- ability to activate & deactivate scripts easily for debugging purposes
2019-01-30 · 2.0.3
- ability to modify load order of page & menu scripts
- add template column to list of pages
- enabled “save as” of all elements to make copying possible
- moved some remaining email settings from site settings to language settings
- deleted deprecated fields from v2.0.2
2019-01-22 · 2.0.2
- completed moving some elements from global settings to language settings where appropriate (email messages, alerts etc.)
- enabled Django file caching, making Svija sites at least two orders of magnitude faster to load and reducing server strain
- changed structure of extra page & menu scripts to make organization much easier. Unlimited quantities of scripts are now possible, each with its own label
- moved some scripts to external files to facilitate caching and accelerate page load times
- changed order of CSS/HTML/JS on page admin to make it more logical
- moved Cloud accessibility/SEO text to make it more visible
- fix template error that caused duplicate javascript in page header
- fixed bug/unfinished program that prevented pages from being able to work with languages other than French
2018-11-12 · 2.0.1
- Ai documents containing a layer of format id mysvgid will cause the embedded SVG to have the specified ID. Note that there is a space not an equals sign between id and mysvgid.
- added version number to top right corner of Cloud page
- fixed capitalization of JS and CSS in menu settings
- where creation dates are required, they are supplied automatically
- creation dates are given on page list and site settings list
- contact form information is now associated with each language (but is not yet taken into account)
2018.08.03 · 2.0.0
- moved from Apache to Django
- databases are now used for most non-page-content information
- many other changes
2018.05.14 · 1.9.3
- renamed sync_exclude to sync.xcl for coherence with sync.sh
Previous versions were written in Python on Apache without a database.