
TTF & OTF Fonts

This page explains how to use regular computer fonts with your Svija website.

For this example, we’re going to add the font Bradley Hand Bold to the home page.

There are three steps:

  1. locate the original macOS font
  2. create a WOFF version of the font (Web Open Font Format)
  3. add it to SVIJA/Fonts/WOFF Files
  4. enter the WOFF filename in Svija Cloud

For this example, let’s assume that we’ve used Bradley Hand Bold font in the home page.

Visiting the page will cause the font to be added in Svija Cloud:

1. Locate the macOS Font

First we need to find the macOS font file. If you know where it is, you can skip past the next image.

Open the Font Book application on your Mac, find Bradley Hand and select Show in Finder:

2. Create a WOFF Version of the Font

Go to onlinefontconverter.com to make a WOFF version of the font (you can also use convertio.co):

  1. select woff
  2. click SELECT FONT(S)
  3. drag Bradley Hand Bold.ttf from the Finder onto the page
  4. click Done
  5. click SAVE YOUR FONT
  6. click Download Attachment

3. Add the WOFF version to sync/fonts

  • unzip the downloaded file and copy Bradley Hand Bold.woff to SYNC/SVIJA/Fonts/WOFF Files
  • click Upload in Svija Sync

It’s useful to keep a copy of the TTF version in SYNC/SVIJA/Fonts

4. Enter the WOFF Filename in Svija Cloud

To finish the process we just need to enter the name of the woff file in Svija Cloud:

  1. in the Finder, copy the name of the converted font (BradleyHandITCTT-Bold.woff)
  2. in the Svija Cloud font list, click on BradleyHandITCTT-Bold to open the settings page
  3. paste it the WOFF name, replacing SOURCE NEEDED:

After you’ve clicked SAVE, the page should work.

TTC Fonts

TTC fonts combine several fonts in one package. You can convert them to WOFF files with this link:

Pages in this section:

  1. How Fonts Work
  2. Google Fonts
  3. TTF & OTF Fonts

Next Steps sections: