
Mac shortcuts for AI scripts

Modified 22 octobre, 2019

Mac shortcuts for AI scripts

Creating a Workflow

1. Open the Mac application Automator. It’s in the Applications › Utilities folder.

2. Create a new Quick Action (previously called a Service).

3. Change the pulldown menus in the top right pane to read:

Workflow receives no input in Adobe Illustrator CC 2019.app

4. In the left pane, search for Get specified Finder Items, and drag it to the right pane.

5. In the lower right pane, click the add button and select the script you’re creating a shortcut for in:

[Illustrator folder]/Presets/en_US/Scripts/example.jsx

6. In the left pane, search for Open Finder Items and drag it to the right pane.

7. Using the Open with: menu, select the Adobe Illustrator application.

8. Save the Workflow with the name you want it to have in the Adobe Illustrator menu.

9. close Automator.

Adding a keyboard shortcut

Open System Preferences › Keyboard

In the Shortcuts pane, select Services in the lefthand column.

In the righthand column, select the script name and add the keyboard shortcut you’d like to use.