
Add Keyboard Shortcuts to Svija Tools

Updated 19 December, 2020 · back to using Svija

Adding Keyboard Shortcuts to Svija Tools

Download Svija Shortcuts 1.0.1 from this link:

Svija Shortcuts Download

This file is part of Svija Tools.

It contains Adobe Illustrator Actions that enable keyboard shortcuts for the following two scripts:

  • Save as Svija
  • Propagate Layers


From within Adobe Illustrator:

  1. open the Actions panel
  2. click on the hamburger menu in the top right corner (three bars)
  3. choose Load Actions…
  4. navigate to Svija Actions.aia and click Open

You will then be able to type:

  • cmd-F1 to run Save as Svija
  • cmd-F2 to run Propagate Layers.

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